Each multiple sclerosis (MS) patient is unique, and some face unmet medical needs in the SUS (Brazilian Public Health System), as a treatment that works for one may not be suitable for another. The inclusion of different treatment options in the SUS can transform the lives of thousands of patients.
The challenge for Imagem Corporativa was to develop a communication strategy capable of mobilizing contributions to the public consultation (PC) open for 20 days on the CONITEC website to evaluate the inclusion of a new treatment option in the SUS.
Imagem Corporativa developed the campaign “Multiple Sclerosis: Your Opinion Can Change Lives”, which invited the public to participate in the PC by featuring patient Guta Stresser as an ambassador alongside her friend, Lucio Mauro Filho. The strategy included social media posts, live sessions with patient associations and medical societies—such as Esclerose Múltipla Brasil, Amigos Múltiplos pela Esclerose (AME), and Associação Gaúcha de Pessoas com Esclerose Múltipla (AGAPEM); coverage in organic media; branded content on the Instagram page of Tpm magazine; and tailored content for patient associations and Merck’s social media channels, supported by paid media.
The campaign potentially reached over 10 million people, and the Public Consultation received 2,657 contributions, achieving its primary goal: positively impacting the lives of thousands of patients with the inclusion of a new treatment option for multiple sclerosis in the SUS.