Client TNC: Cause Communication

Imagem de Erik Lopes


Awaken the society’s awareness to the hydric crisis, generate engagement to the resource’s rational use, promote an open and transparent dialogue with target audiences and disclose nature-based viable solutions to fight this problem.


IC, working with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) since 2013, has developed a Cause PR work to create awareness for the theme, with broad press disclosure. We also created and developed the “Mornings with TNC” project – a free course to train journalists on the theme, with a proprietary methodology, conducted by the organization’s specialists.


TNC has been consolidated as a reference in the “water” theme, highlighted in the main journalistic vehicles of big audience in Brazil.

Since the beginning of 2018, 160 articles in vehicles such as Jornal Nacional, Jornal Hoje, Bom Dia Brasil, GloboNews, Repórter Eco, Roda Viva, Valor Econômico, O Estado de S.Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, Exame, IstoÉ, Bloomberg, UOL, were computed, in addition to the region-wide vehicles.

The work received the Jatobá 2018 Trophy in the category “Sustainability”.


See too
